Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Live at THE UNDERWORLD, 29/03/10... vids and pics.

I guess the title sort of says it all.

I've just got a link to some pics from the show taken by our good friend, photographer and all round drunken camera toting perve VISHAL VASHISHT. There are a few examples below as well as a link to where you can find the whole gallery.

I've also posted a few videos from the show. I did get film of the show from start to finish, but I think the lights on stage may have been confusing the auto focus a bit because  a couple of the tracks came out to blurry to use. Most of the gig is up on YOUTUBE now though, so it's all good.

In other news, or next gig on the 24th of April is looming. We're playing at The White Swan, opening for the very excellent FOREVER VENDETTA and THE INFAMOUS. This will be quite an unusual show because I'm going to have to sing...

We booked this one before Hazel joined the band but unfortunately her job is dragging her off to a Belgian music festival, so rather than cancel, I'll be stepping up to the mic and filling in on vocals. I've sung on a few recordings before for my studio project PUREDECAY and I was singing at rehearsals while we were looking for a singer, but this will be my first outing on vocals in front of real people. I guess I'm equal parts excited and terrified, so it'll either make for some glorious or hastily deleted live video! 

Only time will tell.

Anyhow, I said something about vids and pics...

and here's some of the pics for the show thanks to Vish:



Sober Dave (Covering Bass for the night)


You can check out all the pics in the gallery at VISH'S SITE