Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Just a quick note to say that I've just added a couple of acoustic demos to the player down the side of the blog.

We are recording some proper studio recording thanks to the studio skills of Mr SOBERDAVE but we were having an acoustic run through, and just thought, "why not."

So using the advance home recording trick of getting my video camera, pointing it at a wall then ripping the audio off later we recorded a few "campfire" versions of some tunes and had a run through provisional arrangements of two new tracks: "Like a Drug" and "Stained Tattoo."

I was really pleased with how they sounded and I was glad to have a chance to let everyone hear Charlie, so I've put them online so you can all have a listen.

Right now, they are tracks 1-5 on the media player on the right hand side of this site.

Our first gig has been booked as well this week, so it's good news all round. It's a little way off yet, so we're hoping to book another show before then.

More news as we get closer to the date.