First up is the HINDU SCALE, made from the intervals 1,2,3,4,5,b6,b7.
The Hindu scale is the 5th mode of Melodic Minor.
It's a beautiful mix of major and minor elements giving a cool eerie, mysterious and slightly eastern feel I guess. All I can say is goof around with it yourself.
I do have a musical example for this one, nothing recorded recently, but this is a maybe 10 year old demo for a PORNOVURT song that never got played live more than two or three times.
Any how, the solo that start about 2/3 of the way through has a little Hindu section, well 2 Hindu sections. It starts out in E, there's some bends then the Hindu bit should stand out, then it switches to A minor for a bit, then goes back to the section in E and repeats it with a few variations.
OK, dot time!